martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

First game for analisis.

Okay, as some people presume, this blog is going to turn arround games, but it will also have other kinds of posts if something deserves to be said.
And here it go, the first game I'm gonna analyze is one of my favourites. Fallout 3.
But my analisis are not gonna turn about the things that are stated blog after blog.
I will focus in the minor details that make the game diferent.

* Good things:
  • Stockholm, the keeper of Megaton's doors, have unique lines, though he is inaccessible if not per glitch.
  • The Knight Captain Irving Gallows, what a character, in your first speech with him you can either choose to talk or just stare, if you stare, he stares, this goes like three times untill he says "I'm glad we understand each other."
  • Dunwich bulding, the perfect place to remind some kind of zombie horror film, it's only on the map and it isn't part of any quest (except for the point lookout DLC).
  • The creation of impossible places to go, like the vault 87 front entrance, just for dare the player to go.
  • "Flying Bananas Cant Talk, Flying Bananas Cant Talk, Flying Bananas Cant Talk, Flying Bananas Cant Talk, Flying Bananas Cant Talk, Flying Bananas Cant Talk, Flying Bananas Cant Talk, Flying Bananas Cant Talk, Flying Bananas Cant Talk
    they just want you to believe they can..." the best paper note in game.
  • Herbert Daring Dashwood and it's aventures. Heard on Galaxy News Radio, it breaks the monotony of (awesome) old songs.

* Bad ones:
  • The annoying man. Just two words: shut up.
  • Bethesda trolling with the Raven Rock Bobblehead (unobtainable before the story says so, impossible after leave the base). It stopped the players to get the trophy/achievement "Vault-tec CEO".
  • The Blind (literally) "date" with Nova.
  • Gary from Vault 108, It seems like you are killing the same guy once and once again.
  • Wadsworth/Godfrey's jokes, okay they are funny, but when you heard the same joke for 1967th time they are not so good.
And that's all, if you want an analisys like this for some other game subscribe,  make your choice, and, who knows? maybe the next week you'll have a surprise. Bye.

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

First post

I've decided to make this blog, to share my opinions with the world.
Today I'm a little busy so I will start the next days.